17 Feb 2007

On weddings

Today my afternoon nap was disrupted by the sounding of drumming and cheering. I thought it might have been for Chinese New Year, but it as instead an Indian wedding arriving at the hotel behind my flat. The music and dancing was infectious and joyful. I took what pictures I could.

14 Feb 2007

On high-tech Valentines

Koreans say be mine with high-tech valentines.

"Usually chocolate is a typical gift... but it's just so consumable. This video is the only one existing in the world, and lasts longer. It's very special," she added.

12 Feb 2007

On math I'm not going to even try to do

I just purchased by 1300th song on iTunes. Crikey.

3 Feb 2007

On Molly Ivins

Molly Ivins died on Wednesday. Such a loss. She was a truly great American and journalist.