31 Aug 2007

Today's preoccupations

Today's OETD word of the day is 'debt'. Will I ever sort out my financial future? Why do I have a fascination with organisation and no ability to organise myself? I think I might be allergic to my pillows. I need to go on holiday, but don't want to go anywhere by myself. Would a holiday in London be enough? How does one brand target a demographic online that the whole rest of the world is targetting as well? Why don't clients do the obviously right thing to do even if they did it before once and it didn't work? I should take my SLR camera somewhere interesting this weekend. Should I spend my holiday looking for a new place to live or am I okay where I am? I need to create a file structure for the department. How do you provide helpful performance feedback to someone you think is a superstar without either gushing or nitpicking? Does my increasing preference for classical music mean I'm getting old? Could I really give up coffee for tea? When I flirt, does anyone notice?

16 Aug 2007


From the madness of the last month. Pitches (won, hurrah!) new joiners to the team, too many projects, long lost friends in town, general mayhemania. So, today feels like the first day I'm surfacing. Floating towards the sunlight, taking in a cleansing breath, and shoring up for whatever is next.

So, what is next?...