Before you start I know not everything is working. But I'm crawling there. And I'm crawling towards finishing the images page. But I was almost crawling on Sunday after an afternoon drinking wine in Kirsten's garden, then going out. So I couldn't face crawling to the computer yesterday. Oh, and I am crawling back to South Kensington -- to rent the flat upstairs from the flat I used to live in. They've agreed to replace the nausea-inducing furniture that was there and I've agreed to pay too much money for a year. Oh well.
Finally watched Withnail and I, that infamous 1980s uni-arthouse favourite. Paul McGann was a stunner and the dialogue is a bit brilliant, if not shrill. Even though it's Britain in the 80s doing Britain in the 60s it reminded me of the grey cold and general downtroddedness that I remember of Britain in the 80s -- and the clothing. I had silver-rimmed round sunglasses then as well.
Can someone please explain "I'm a twat (celebrity), get me out of here!" I know the idea is to choose and vote for your favourite c-list celebrity, but I'm considering voting for the snakes and spiders instead.
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