13 Jun 2007

Educational as well as entertaining

Michael Bierut tells us why everything he knows about design he learned from the Sopranos.

My favourite:

On creative blocks:
"My advice? Put that thing down awhile, we go get our joints copped, and tomorrow the words'll come blowing out your ass."

10 Jun 2007

Just finished Suite Francaise, a damning novel of the actions and attitudes of the French middle class during WW2. Disconcertingly the book finishes in in 1941 with the occupying Germans heading to the Russian Front. The book is two of five planned novellas that were disrupted by Irene Nemirovsky's arrest and later death in Auschwitz. Her daughters grabbed the notebooks when fleeing and left them unread for more than 50 years thinking they were diaries that would be too painful to read.