13 Dec 2000

Catching up. Let's see: Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, flu, flu, flu, flu, dinner with Lance, cocktail party at my flat, work, Eugene O'Neill.

I'll write more about Berlin once I've downloaded the pictures. Fantastic trip, but got a flu and had to fly back wishing my head _would_ just explode and get it done with. Instead of returning to work, I spent three days in a delirious fever. Then slowly recovered. Went last night to see Long Day's Journey Into Night with Jessica Lange and Paul Rudd. It's 3.5 hours of a morphine-riddled Jessica Lange battling her alcoholic family in a fierce battle of self-denial and turn-of-the-century isolation. Although there's very little action, it's enthralling. The audience couldn't take their eyes off of Lange, and I couldn't take my eyes off of Paul Rudd who, despite a scruffy beard and despicable character, was beautiful. We left the theatre exhausted, but delighted.

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