8 Apr 2002

Has it really been a month since I've updated this? I'll recap briefly. The Queen Mum died. Everyone agreed she was "indomitable" including those who probably had no idea what "indomitable" meant. She was a gracious brave woman, but let's not also forget that she lived in ridiculous luxury all her life. Still it does Britain credit that people are queuing for 8+ hours to pay last respects to their dead queen.

Robert came to visit again. He wears me out, even though I greatly enjoy his visit. We did the usual drinking about town and it was lovely as always to see Mark. But I'm afraid the stress of my job has made me a less than gracious host. I'm exhausted most of the time and preoccupied the rest of it.

So I joined a ridiculously expensive gym, The Third Space, in the hopes of getting in shape. It's going slowly, but so far so good and I do feel slightly more able to handle my life.

I also bought a new iMac. I couldn't resist the lure of the beautifully compact, super-powered machine. Let's face it. The new Apple products are addictive.

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