24 Jun 2003

Sunday morning, 6am, a conversation happening in the courtyard below. Two Americans having coffeed. Chatting about their dating situations in their flat, middle-something accents.

-- The German girl wants it.

-- How do you know?

-- Dude, she wants its. I mean _wants_ it, but I'm still into the other one, but she was begging for it

-- But you can't, if you are, even if she wants it bad.

So I'm laying in bed, annoyed that it's 6am, annoyed that it would be too obvious to lift the blinds and find out if they look as annoyingly Matt-Damon-Ben-Affleck as they sound, annoyed that it was too banal to be interesting and not sexual enough to be masturbatory, annoyed that there are accents that piercingly flat.

I wonder if the German girl got it after all.

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