6 Oct 2003

Kiss 34 goodbye. And gladly too. The week in review: end of holiday, a hospital scare, too much social drinking, an awkward business dinner, falling asleep sitting in a chair when I was meant to be out clubbing, spending my birthday with charming, but straight, people discussing birth/baby constipation/marriage/house renovations/work, the heartbreak of realising a crush was going to always be one-sided, waking up the morning after wanting to pull the duvet over my head.

Looking forward to 35. Getting a life coach, getting over "it", getting some goals and a purpose, getting a flat I like living in, getting mentally and physically healthy, getting my shit together so that I deserve getting a boyfriend who's not fictional, getting this site updated, getting to a point where 36 will be a celebration.

I've got a lot of work to do.

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