28 May 2003

No one! Excellent. Now that I know I'm talking to myself in cyberspace things can get juicy. Well, as juicy and things in a bone dry life can get.

Just read that that penultimate fag rag Wallpaper is relaunching in June. New editor, new approach, new attempt to widen a niche audience and regain the patina in cool in a relatively anti-cool world. Nonsense about it trying to be more American. The joyful relaunch of a slow death? We'll see.

I remember hearing Tyler Brulee speak once at a design conference. He told a fantastic story about being shot when he was a war correspondent. He recuperated in a swanky Chelsea garden drinking umbrella drinks and questioning his life's purpose. The result? A magazine for overpampered shallow trendy jetsetting homosexuals (and the girls who want to be them) called Wallpaper, because he was surrounded by it. I remember chortling in shock that this was his revelation. So one can't be surprised at the resulting periodical. What's he doing now that he's left Wallpaper? Branding. God help us.

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