22 Jul 2003

Lighten up already Thanks for your messages. In looking back, these entries seem fairly dark, but still important to get off my chest. I spent the weekend sleeping, exhausted by both work which is mad and a bit of depression. Part of me wanted to feel guilty about wasting a weekend, but part of me was enjoying laying about, napping, making a mess out of my flat, feeling dramatic. Unfortunately, a pallid lethargy has set in and I'm barely able to concentrate on work and snapping at the constant interruptions I get. But don't worry yourselves. Things are bound to cheer up.

So, let's do a roundup. The BBC and British government are embroiled in the Kelly scandal. The short of it is: the BBC did a report claiming the government "sexed up" the dossier with claims about Iraq's weapons to move the country into war. The PM's spin doctor, Alistair Campbell hit back viciously attacking the BBC and asking them to reveal their source. It rages back and forth until the name of Dr. Kelley is leaked into the press. A week later, after a rather brutal day in front of a parliamentary commitee, Dr. Kelley is found dead near his home. Was it suicide? Did the government push him to it with veiled threats? Did the BBC co-erce him to break his confidentiality agreement? No one will come out clean from this. It appears there are guilty parties. But the truth is, regardless of No. 10's role in this, it may deserve to come down. The country's a mess. We've been involved in a scandalous war. And Blair seems much more loyal to his spin doctors than he does to his country.

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