10 Jan 2005


The Guardian publishes the list of 50 must-see events this Spring. Yes, I know it includes Coldplay, but it's still interesting. I'm most interested in Kauzo Ishiguro's new novel and Caravaggio: The Final Years at the National Gallery.

PVRBlog reviews the new products at the Consumer Electronics Show.

Addictive: I normally despise Big Brother, but the rather genius move of putting Germaine Greer into the house with a bunch of youngsters who don't know who she is and a rather misognyst Horse Racing announcer makes Channel 4's Celebrity Big Brother interesting watching. Last night's competition of being spun on a merry-go-round and made to crawl through filth for food made Germaine barf. Great television. And there's the delightful Jeremy Edwards who once smiled at me in the queue for the loo at Selfridges.

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