13 Aug 2001

Weekend recap. Friday night I had dinner with Kirsten and her boyfriend Peter at the pub. It was the usual weekend kickoff -- too much wine and a big lie-in on Saturday. We cooed over the Islands of Greece brochure which hasn't helped me decide where to go at all, and recapped the week's work trangressions. It looks like Kirsten will be my new neighbour, as to whether or not Peter will...

Saturday night, after the forementioned lie-in, I went to a party at Lance's friend's flat in Notting Hill. It was on a fabulous roofgarden and the images of the chimneyed rooftops against the cloudy night sky was stunning (ok, it could have been the champagne) but once I navigated the roofladder it was brilliant. Met a fascinating (and sexy) Australian of an undetermined sexuality who was Christiane Armanpour's cameraman and now follows Louis Theroux around. He was remarkably candid about the phenomenon of seeing some truly horrible things through a viewfinder in Kosovo (which objectified anything going on until he could reflect on it later.) and what it was like to have a Kosovan boarder guard put an empty gun to his head and pull the trigger. I was quite intrigued. He stormed out, however, once his female companion (date? friend?) started making out with some guy so I have a feeling I won't be seeing him again anytime soon.

Sunday, after another big lie-in, I went and bought a random collection of DVDs including the last available season of South Park (which is getting dark and very perverse) and Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph des Willens, the remarkable and disturbing propaganda/documentary of Nazi Germany that is celebrated for its innovative moviemaking form and banned for its evil content. In this age of racial troubles and politicisation of debate, however, it's good to be aware of the signs of fanaticism and history-repeating.

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